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Дворянкова Е.В. Место декспантенола в общей клинической практике. Клиническая дерматология и венерология. 2020;19(1):82‑86.Dvoriankova EV. Place of dexpanthenol in clinical practice. Russian Journal of Clinical Dermatology and Venereology. 2020;19(1):82‑86. (In Russ.)
Компонент был открыт японским химиком более столетия назад, но с тех пор стал актуальным для ухода за сухой, увядающей и реактивной кожей. Сегодня найти вещество можно в большинстве продуктов для ухода: от обычного …
Декспантенол является стабильным спиртовым аналогом пантотеновой кислоты. Однако в отличие от нее он хорошо проникает в кожу. При местном применении декспантенол легко всасывается в кожу и быстро превращается в пантотеновую кислоту, входящую в состав кофермента А, который катализирует синтез жирных кислот и сфинголипидов, входящих в липидный состав рогового слоя эпидермиса. Таким образом, пантотеновая кислота является важным компонентом, необходимым для поддержания физиологических функций кожи, в частности барьерной. При этом установлено, что декспантенол при наружном применении выступает в качестве увлажняющего фактора, а также способствует заживлению ран, что в настоящее время широко используется в фармацевтической промышленности.
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After earning a licence to kill, secret agent James Bond sets out on his first mission as 007. Bond must defeat a private banker funding terrorists in a high-stakes game of poker at Casino R… Read allAfter earning a licence to kill, secret agent James Bond sets out on his first mission as 007. Bond must defeat a private banker funding terrorists in a high-stakes game of poker at Casino Royale, in Montenegro.After earning a licence to kill, secret agent James Bond sets out on his first mission as 007. Bond must defeat a private banker funding terrorists in a high-stakes game of poker at Casino Royale, in Montenegro.
“Everyone has a past. Every legend has a beginning.”. James Bond goes on his first ever mission as a 00. Le Chiffre is a banker to the world’s terrorists. He is participating in a poker game at Montenegro, where he must win back his money, in order to stay safe among the terrorist market. The boss of MI6, known simply as M sends Bond, along with Vesper Lynd to attend this game and prevent Le Chiffre from winning. Bond, using help from Felix Leiter, Mathis and having Vesper pose as his wife, enters the most important poker game in his already dangerous career. But if Bond defeats Le Chiffre, will he and Vesper Lynd remain safe?
plot Le Chiffre, a banker to the world’s terrorists, is scheduled to participate in a high-stakes poker game in Montenegro, where he intends to use his winnings to establish his financial grip on the terrorist market. M sends Bond—on his maiden mission as a 00 Agent—to attend this game and prevent Le Chiffre from winning. With the help of Vesper Lynd and Felix Leiter, Bond enters the most important poker game in his already dangerous career.
After earning a licence to kill, secret agent James Bond sets out on his first mission as 007. Bond must defeat a private banker funding terrorists in a high-stakes game of poker at Casino R… Read allAfter earning a licence to kill, secret agent James Bond sets out on his first mission as 007. Bond must defeat a private banker funding terrorists in a high-stakes game of poker at Casino Royale, in Montenegro.After earning a licence to kill, secret agent James Bond sets out on his first mission as 007. Bond must defeat a private banker funding terrorists in a high-stakes game of poker at Casino Royale, in Montenegro.
“Everyone has a past. Every legend has a beginning.”. James Bond goes on his first ever mission as a 00. Le Chiffre is a banker to the world’s terrorists. He is participating in a poker game at Montenegro, where he must win back his money, in order to stay safe among the terrorist market. The boss of MI6, known simply as M sends Bond, along with Vesper Lynd to attend this game and prevent Le Chiffre from winning. Bond, using help from Felix Leiter, Mathis and having Vesper pose as his wife, enters the most important poker game in his already dangerous career. But if Bond defeats Le Chiffre, will he and Vesper Lynd remain safe?
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